
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” Mark Twain

There are a lot of articles encouraging us to find and follow our passion.  It sounds lovely, but sometimes in the day to day of our lives, when we have obligations and responsibilities that leave us wanting to drop our head on the pillow at 8pm, finding our passion feels overwhelming rather than exciting.  It can feel like one more thing we are failing at.

Typically I stay in my head: Thinking.  I have ideas, lots of them, but I need inspiration and motivation to feed my energy and let me flow into the Doing phase.

How can we bring in some of the sparkle and energy that passion provides? Could we look instead at what inspires us? Notice what brings us energy and flow?  

Both inspiration and expiration originate from the Latin spirare, “breathe”, related to spirit. In-spire, to breath or blow into – which I interpret as giving life, or even resuscitating. And when I feel discouraged, or stuck, I’m definitely in need of some resuscitating.

So what is it that brings me inspiration – What do I need to breath-in?  Three big contributors I’ve noticed are: the energy of certain people; words I connect with; and particular environments.   

I recently visited the beautiful region of Andalucia, Spain. I sat in cafes under blue skies and orange trees. It was spring and the smell of orange blossom permeated the air.  My senses felt alert as they connected to the unfamiliar and the new.  It was invigorating, and I felt a crackle of aliveness that gets lost in the regular day to day routines of home.

That energy made me want to Do.  

I need people for this. Recently I have stepped out of my comfort zone and have been more intentional about seeking and finding the people I need.  I am currently completing Stephanie Pellet’s The Foundary, connecting me with the creative Nicole Kagan and the intuitive Erin Ciona to brainstorm ideas, develop plans, and create accountability for action.  I find hanging out with these three lovely women highly inspiring.

And words. Words for me have always been my soft place.  Words transport me.  Inspire me.  Invigorate me.  Slow me down.  Speed me up.  They are my refuge. 

And for you, maybe rather than words it’s images, or digging your hands into the soft earth of your garden, or dancing wildly, or driving country lanes, or long, long highways, with music blaring.    

If you are yearning for inspiration the following questions may be helpful:

  • Who has inspired or motivated you in your life?  Who gives you energy when you are with them or think about them? 
  • Where do you go to to renew?  Where do you long to go to?  Do you yearn for mountains, water, trees, meadows, cities or towns?  Is your garden or back-yard or allotment your place of sparkle and joy?
  • And if not words, what sparks your creative inspiration?  Looking at seed catalogues, taking photos, pinterest, tasting new food, drawing or doodling, colouring books or sudoku?
"And above all
watch with glittering
eyes the whole
world around you
because the greatest
secrets are always
hidden in the most
unlikely places.
Those who don't
believe in magic
will never find it".
            Roald Dahl

Wishing you many moments of inspiration, bringing you energy and flow x

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